
1.3.0-99: Windows: "Pipeline failed: source" on 2nd+ run

Closed this issue · 6 comments

Depending on .xmlresolver dir, 1.3.0-99 fails with ERROR: Pipeline failed: source on Windows 10. Not repro on Ubuntu 18.04.
The error has not happened on 1.2.5-99.

  1. Clone XSpec v2.1.4 and cd to it:

    PS C:\test> git clone -b v2.1.4 https://github.com/xspec/xspec.git
    Cloning into 'xspec'...
    Note: switching to 'd8bbeca51eaccc8b3e07c82547f6aff4a2072aef'.
    PS C:\test> cd xspec
  2. Make sure you don't have .xmlresolver dir in your user profile dir.

  3. Run src\harnesses\saxon\saxon-xquery-harness.xproc (-p xspec-home= must point the directory URI where XSpec is cloned). It works:

    PS C:\test\xspec> java -jar ..\xmlcalabash-1.3.0-99\xmlcalabash-1.3.0-99.jar -i source=tutorial/xquery-tutorial.xspec -p xspec-home=file:///c:/test/xspec/ src\harnesses\saxon\saxon-xquery-harness.xproc
    INFO : src/harnesses/harness-lib.xpl:227:31:
    INFO : src/harnesses/harness-lib.xpl:291:45:passed: 1 / pending: 0 / failed: 0 / total: 1
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
  4. Now you have .xmlresolver dir in your user profile dir.

  5. Run src\harnesses\saxon\saxon-xquery-harness.xproc again with the exact same command line. This time it doesn't work:

    PS C:\test\xspec> java -jar ..\xmlcalabash-1.3.0-99\xmlcalabash-1.3.0-99.jar -i source=tutorial/xquery-tutorial.xspec -p xspec-home=file:///c:/test/xspec/ src\harnesses\saxon\saxon-xquery-harness.xproc
    INFO : src/harnesses/harness-lib.xpl:227:31:
    ERROR: Pipeline failed: source
  6. Remove .xmlresolver dir from your user profile dir.

  7. Run src\harnesses\saxon\saxon-xquery-harness.xproc with the exact same command line. It works again.

ndw commented

Thanks, @AirQuick . I've reproduced it on Windows. I'm at a loss to explain why it's Windows specific, but I've had "get my Windows dev environment functioning" on my todo list for a couple of weeks.

The bug is in xmlresolver-2.1.0.jar, so a quick workaround is to replace that jar in the lib directory with the 1.0.4 version from XML Calabash 1.2.5 or otherwise make sure that the 1.0.4 version comes first on your classpath.

Apologies for the inconvenience.

The backslashes look like usual suspects to me, here ;-)

ndw commented

Out of curiousity, @AirQuick what shell are you using on Windows? If it's not 'Command Prompt' can you try it with that shell and see if you get different results?

#322 (comment) was on PowerShell, but it's reproduced also on Command Prompt.

ndw commented

Fixed in 1.3.1.

Verified the fix. Thanks!