
UnparsedTextResolver seems to be broken for Saxon 11+

Closed this issue · 4 comments

There seems a general problem with the UnparstTextResolver for the editions 110 and 120.

In any case using the unparste-text() function I get with 1.5.6-110:

ERROR com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main - Pipeline failed: Resolver for unparsed-text() returned unrecognized Source (org.xmlresolver.sources.ResolverSAXSource)
ERROR com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main - Underlying exception: Resolver for unparsed-text() returned unrecognized Source (org.xmlresolver.sources.ResolverSAXSource)

Or with 1.5.6-120 a slightly different error message:

ERROR com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main - Pipeline failed: Resolver for unparsed-text() returned non-StreamSource
ERROR com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main - Underlying exception: Resolver for unparsed-text() returned non-StreamSource

With 1.5.6-100 it works as expected (ignoring the problems described in #345).

ndw commented

Thanks. There were some Saxon issues in this area too. I'll try to take a look this weekend.

I have the same issue with 1.5.6-120, it comes up when using json-doc function. I have temporarily switched back to 1.5.3.-110 which does not have this issue, so it seems to be related to upgrade from Saxon 11 to 12.

ndw commented

I think this is fixed by the same patches I added for #345

ndw commented

Please reopen this issue if it isn't resolved in 1.5.7