
Create React App support

mrrobot16 opened this issue · 3 comments

Was there a particular reason to not use the package?

I wasn't around for this design decision, but there's no technical reason preventing create-react-app from being the basis of a NEAR dapp. If I were to venture a guess, I'd say parcel's zero-config setup and generally providing a more lightweight project were the reasons. @mikedotexe might have more to add here.

Would you be interested in creating a create-react-app + NEAR starter/boilerplate?

I suggest we keep create-near-app unchanged, but add a create-react-app custom template. This would allow people who want to use create-react-app to issue a command like:

npx create-react-app my-app --template near

To make this possible, we would need to publish a cra-template-near package to NPM.

Before we build such a thing, though, we need to decide who will maintain this template library. If we build the initial implementation, would you be willing to keep it up-to-date, @mrrobot16?

We will keep it without create-react-app since in this way it is simpler for us to maintain and reduce boilerplate to a maximum.