
Document how to use the playground repository for testing

Closed this issue ยท 3 comments

Because we have recently inadvertently introduced multiple issues due to insufficient testing, and because setting up a repo for testing this action is some work, unless you know exactly how to do it, we have created a playground repo sitting at

The idea is to use that repo as a shared playground for anybody in the org to test out their changes. Hence, we need to document how to use it by:

  1. introducing a reference to that repo in the readme of this action
  2. updating the readme of that repo to explain what needs to be done to use it, which at a high level consists of:
  • sending a PR to use the branch of the action you're working on
  • asking to be added as a maintainer of the npm package so you can publish it
  • generate and populate secrets for npm and optic
  • (probably more I'm forgetting at the moment)
p16 commented

@simoneb I do not know if it is a problem, but the playground is a private repo, do we need to make it public?

not technically a problem, just let's say unusual to have a public package with a non private repo, but it shouldn't be a blocker for anything

๐ŸŽ‰ This issue has been resolved in version 4.4.4 ๐ŸŽ‰

The release is available on:

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