- Simple 7 day forecast, with expandable hourly breakdown
- Weather alerts
- Mobile-first UI
Deployed to: https://nearwood.dev/skyanchor/
- Node.js 12+
- Yarn: https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/ (though npm should also work)
- Clone repository:
git clone https://github.com/nearwood/skyanchor.git
- Install dependancies:
- Build and serve locally:
yarn run start
- Open a browser to: http://localhost:3000/
- React
- Material UI (MUI)
- NOAA Weather API: https://www.weather.gov/documentation/services-web-api
Bootstrapped with create-react-app. See CRA.md for more details.
- Responsive (basic; mobile-first)
- Progressive Web App (PWA) - though lacks active offline capabilities
- HTML geolocation
Desktop | Mobile |
- Handled by GitHub Actions: https://github.com/nearwood/skyanchor/actions
- Deployed to Github pages, where a DNS CNAME record points to my domain
yarn test
- run tests and watch files.yarn run coverage
- to run all tests and generate a code coverage report.
Snapshot testing MUI components turned out to be more tricky than I thought. See https://material-ui.com/guides/testing/
As of 94ede39:
Statements : 43.56% ( 71/163 )
Branches : 53.97% ( 34/63 )
Functions : 36.17% ( 17/47 )
Lines : 45.89% ( 67/146 )
- Inflated due to simple render tests.
- Not much business logic to actually test.
- Contains saved responses from api.weather.gov
- Embedded URLs have been modified to work with tests
- However testing against mocked external APIs was non-trivial with react-testing-library, msw, etc.
- Theme colors, consistency could be better
- Firefox has issues with the flexbox column
- Virtualize hourly list
- Consider MUI's hidden strategy
- Reduce calculations made within rendering
- Check API status: GET https://api.weather.gov/
- Should decouple from NOAA weather and add intermediary layer
- Authentication discrepancy (sending
requires API to send correct CORS preflight)
- Custom logo
- Zip code alternative to HTML5 geolocation
- Dark mode (easy with MUI)
- Would really like prob. of precip. more prominent and by the hour
- Better icons/emoji. Parse icon URL to derive emoji + percentage?
- Settable units C/F
- Radar
- Shareable links? (would need routing, and/or some type of persistence)