
Read a file and count how many bytes are zero.

Primary LanguageGo


Counts number of zero bytes (0x0) present. Reports percentage of the file size that are zeros.

Useful for determining orphaned downloads were close to completion or not. Depends on the files being initialized to zero, of course.


Usage: zeros [-bytes] [-print] [-skipnc] [-threshold FLOAT] -file FILE

    	print byte counts
  -file string
    	file to parse
    	print filename in output (default true)
    	skip non-contiguous bytes (default true)
  -threshold float
    	threshold (0-100%) to print results


  • v0.5
    • Count zeros
  • v1.0
    • flag to skip non-contiguous zeros
    • flag to report filename
    • flag to skip (no output) files with less than X percent zero