
Any plan on releasing to npm ?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

In the readme you mention this project

is designed to be easily utilized in the context of a larger scientific software application

Composing third-party code libraries in large (in fact, any) application usually comes with some sort of dependency (package) manager.

Any plans on releasing to npm maybe ?

Looking more into the project, I seem to understand that you may already be releasing it as a ruby gem, although I couldn't find anything on

Since this project is only 1% ruby code (just for packaging IIUC), it would make much more sense to approach the dependency the other way around IMO: depend on an npm package from your ruby app.

If you / your team is indeed more familiar with Ruby, maybe this guide to creating node modules will be of interest.

(as a side note, I observed that third-party js dependencies have been committed in vendor/assets/javascripts/. this doesn't scale, and can precisely be avoided with package managers like npm)

This is a good suggestion ... i'm not sure when we'll get to look at it but I agree that this is mostly js so we should release it in that environment. I'm thinking about using bower as well which might help to elminate the embedded dependencies.

Glad we agree. Bower themselves recommend migrating away from them. They suggest Yarn as an alternative, but two arguments would make me lean towards npm. Disclaimer: I am partial to npm since that's what we are currently using :)

Moreover, I believe the choice between the two is not so definitive, by that I mean that once the lib is packaged correctly, moving from one package manager to the other shouldn't be too hard.

On a more practical note. We've decided to try and integrate plate-map to our own front-end app. If that goes well and suits our needs, I'd be keen for my team to have a go at packaging it, and submit a PR if all goes well.