
Ruby blocks are getting lost

tmaier opened this issue · 3 comments

After running erb-formatter, I see this case a couple of times in the diff:

image image

As you can see, the block within turbo_frame_tag is being lost

elia commented

I'm not sure what's going on, I tried locally modifying the with_block fixture and couldn't reproduce:

<% foo.each do |bar| %>
  <p><%= baz %></p>
<% end %>

<%= cb.with_footer(classes: 'pt-0 pb-5') do
  turbo_frame_tag "#{identifier}-footer",target: 'inner-frame' do
    paginate publications,
      params: 1
      controller: 'publications',
      action: 'index'
      outer_window: 2,
      window: 2,
      views_prefix: 'v4'
end %>

is it still an issue? maybe a syntax_tree upgrade already fixed it?