
Package Error

Opened this issue · 2 comments


I am making use of your (very useful) package. However, it seems that something is wrong with it.
If I type

colmap(municipios, subset(homicidios, año == 2000), var = "tasa")

I get the following error:

Theme element panel.border missing
Theme element axis.line.x.bottom missing
Theme element axis.ticks.x.bottom missing
Theme element axis.line.y.left missing
Theme element axis.ticks.y.left missing
Error in width_cm(guide$barwidth %||% theme$legend.key.width) :
Unknown input

It looks like there is an issue with ggmap. See here.

Would you be so kind to check if you can solve this issue? I guess many users will appreciate it.

Thank you.

Yes, I had the same problem. Were you able to fix it or did you use other tool to map?

Indeed I haven't found yet a way around this issue. Did you maybe do it?