
Text: onLongPress support

chrisdrackett opened this issue · 3 comments

The problem

When I add a onLongPress event to a text node I can't get the event to fire on a long press

How to reproduce

Simplified test case:

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Long press on text

Expected behavior

console will long "long press!"

Environment (include versions). Did this work in previous versions?

  • React Native for Web (version): 0.7.3
  • React (version): 16.4.0
  • Browser: Safari / Chrome

Oops! Sorry about that!

Decided to close this as "wontfix" because the primitive Text component should be simple and fast, which I don't think is the case when it include built-in touch handling, and it could cause regressions for apps like Twitter Lite #1272 (comment).