
Takusen not building in GHC 7.8.3

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Installing Takusen via cabal runs into the following problem:

Module ‘System.IO.Error’ does not export ‘try’

I will try to resolve and get a pull request together, but would be great to resolve this.


I haven't had a look at this project in a few months, I apologize. I'll try to have a look tonight/tomorrow


Created a pull with some changes that get it building, prob. not sufficient though, see comments.



Any chance this change will get pushed to hackage? Is it dangerous to consider using this library for a production app or will there still be support if/when it is needed? I am currently having some issues using ODBC to connect to Oracle, if this ends up being much easier to use and deploy I might end up switching over.