
missing headers for mac os prebuilt-version

yuyoyuppe opened this issue · 5 comments

I've tried downloading multiple tgz from, but they all seem to miss llfio.hpp and a bunch of other stuff. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong though! It'd be also great to include quickcpplib, so it's self-contained!

ned14 commented

I do apologise. I checked the Windows ZIP after I ported the script to github actions, I just assumed the others were complete as well. All are missing quickcpplib and outcome in any case.

Thanks for the bug report, I'll get that fixed tomorrow morning.

@ned14 thanks!

ned14 commented

Sorry this took so long. I have had very little free time in the mornings before work this week. Can you try the binaries at and tell me if they are complete? I don't have a Macintosh, so all my development for Mac OS is done blind.

@ned14 alright, I'll check in a ~few days and follow up!

it works now, thank you