
COVERAGE_CORE=sysmon with branch coverage can be 2x slower than default in some cases

lesteve opened this issue · 5 comments

Describe the bug
Using COVERAGE_CORE=sysmon with branch coverage can be 2x slower than default. Note the 2x likely depends on the code whose coverage is measured. Trying different variations of the Python snippet below I have seen vary from ~20% to 2x degradation roughly.

To Reproduce

Python script:

from sklearn.datasets import load_breast_cancer
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import TunedThresholdClassifierCV

X, y = load_breast_cancer(return_X_y=True)
for i in range(10):
    model = TunedThresholdClassifierCV(
    ).fit(X, y)

Script to run:

# Just for completeness you need to have Python 3.12 to be able to use sysmon
pip install scikit-learn coverage
git clone --depth 1

# Note: there are some scikit-learn specific warnings, so the grep is to keep only the timing info
(time coverage run --branch --source sklearn /tmp/ 2>&1) | grep total
# on my machine: 9.75s user 0.09s system 129% cpu 7.616 total

(time COVERAGE_CORE=sysmon coverage run --branch --source sklearn /tmp/ 2>&1) | grep total
# on my machine: 16.88s user 0.10s system 114% cpu 14.798 total

I read the other performance issues with coverage and Python 3.12 for example #1665 and python/cpython#107674 and this seems like a slightly different issue. This may be related to the fact that only statement coverage is using sysmon and not branch coverage according to #1746 (comment) but I still find the performance degradation somewhat surprising.

How can we reproduce the problem? Please be specific. Don't link to a failing CI job. Answer the questions below:

  1. What version of Python are you using? 3.12.4
  2. What version of shows the problem? The output of coverage debug sys is helpful.
-- sys -------------------------------------------------------
               coverage_version: 7.5.4
                coverage_module: /home/lesteve/micromamba/envs/test-coverage/lib/python3.12/site-packages/coverage/
                           core: -none-
                        CTracer: available
           plugins.file_tracers: -none-
            plugins.configurers: -none-
      plugins.context_switchers: -none-
              configs_attempted: /home/lesteve/dev/cpython/.coveragerc
                   configs_read: -none-
                    config_file: None
                config_contents: -none-
                      data_file: -none-
                         python: 3.12.4 | packaged by conda-forge | (main, Jun 17 2024, 10:23:07) [GCC 12.3.0]
                       platform: Linux-6.9.8-arch1-1-x86_64-with-glibc2.39
                 implementation: CPython
                    gil_enabled: True
                     executable: /home/lesteve/micromamba/envs/test-coverage/bin/python3.12
                   def_encoding: utf-8
                    fs_encoding: utf-8
                            pid: 510639
                            cwd: /home/lesteve/dev/cpython
                           path: /home/lesteve/micromamba/envs/test-coverage/bin
                    environment: CONDA_PYTHON_EXE = /home/lesteve/micromamba/bin/python
                                 HOME = /home/lesteve
                                 PYTHONPATH = 
                   command_line: /home/lesteve/micromamba/envs/test-coverage/bin/coverage debug sys
         sqlite3_sqlite_version: 3.46.0
             sqlite3_temp_store: 0
        sqlite3_compile_options: ATOMIC_INTRINSICS=1, COMPILER=gcc-12.3.0, DEFAULT_AUTOVACUUM,
                                 DEFAULT_CACHE_SIZE=-2000, DEFAULT_FILE_FORMAT=4,
                                 DEFAULT_JOURNAL_SIZE_LIMIT=-1, DEFAULT_MMAP_SIZE=0, DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE=4096,
                                 DEFAULT_PCACHE_INITSZ=20, DEFAULT_RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS,
                                 DEFAULT_SECTOR_SIZE=4096, DEFAULT_SYNCHRONOUS=2,
                                 DEFAULT_WAL_AUTOCHECKPOINT=1000, DEFAULT_WAL_SYNCHRONOUS=2,
                                 ENABLE_UNLOCK_NOTIFY, MALLOC_SOFT_LIMIT=1024, MAX_ATTACHED=10,
                                 MAX_COLUMN=2000, MAX_COMPOUND_SELECT=500, MAX_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE=8192,
                                 MAX_EXPR_DEPTH=10000, MAX_FUNCTION_ARG=127, MAX_LENGTH=1000000000,
                                 MAX_LIKE_PATTERN_LENGTH=50000, MAX_MMAP_SIZE=0x7fff0000,
                                 MAX_PAGE_COUNT=0xfffffffe, MAX_PAGE_SIZE=65536, MAX_SQL_LENGTH=1000000000,
                                 MAX_TRIGGER_DEPTH=1000, MAX_VARIABLE_NUMBER=250000, MAX_VDBE_OP=250000000,
                                 TEMP_STORE=1, THREADSAFE=1
  1. What versions of what packages do you have installed? The output of pip freeze is helpful.

Expected behavior
Usins COVERAGE_CORE=sysmon improves performance and in the worst case may not improve it much but at least does not degrade it

Additional context

We originally saw this in the scikit-learn CI scikit-learn/scikit-learn#29444 (comment).

Yes, the sysmon support is not yet in place to do a good job with branch coverage. I could add a warning to that effect if it would help.

Thanks for your answer, I guess this was more of a "is this expected" question than a call for action.

I am not sure whether a warning would be that useful, in particular because in our use case we use coverage via pytest-cov and I think pytest would capture the warning which would kind of hide it amongst a number of other warnings that happened when we run our tests.

Another option: refuse to run with COVERAGE_CORE=sysmon and branch=True.

Why not error indeed. I guess it would make sense to do this if you think that in a vast majority of cases the performance will be worse using COVERAGE_CORE=sysmon with branch=True compared to branch=True with COVERAGE_CORE unset.

In my case, we did see a (moderate) improvement in performance when setting COVERAGE_CORE=sysmon while still using branch coverage. So I at least like that combining them does not result in an error (the performance improvement was much bigger if I also disabled branch coverage, but for now we prefer retaining that even with some perf cost).