
A Discord bot for playing Wordle!

Primary LanguageC#

Wordle, but in Discord!

Nedordle is a Discord bot that lets you play the famous game Wordle in your DMs, or with your friends!


  • It's a Discord bot! :D
  • Support for 3-∞ character long words.
  • Multiple game modes, like:
    • Usual
    • Speedrun
    • Team
    • And more!
  • User-friendly CLI (almost TUI) for configuring the bot.
  • TODO:tm:

How do I run it?

Well to be honest I don't think you need another instance of Nedordle, but if you really want to host it yourself, you can by doing this:

  • Install .NET 6.0 (TODO:tm: instructions)
  • Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/NedoProgrammer/Nedordle
  • Compile the project: cd Nedordle && dotnet build --configuration Release
  • When finished, go to the build directory: cd Nedordle.Cli/bin/Release/net6.0
  • Run ./Nedordle.Cli interactive and select Download required data and configure the database
  • Wait for the process to finish

Now, you can start the bot using three methods of authefication:

  • Create an .env file with the following properties:
    • TOKEN - token of your Discord bot
    • GUILD_ID (optional) - the guild for which the slash commands will update immediately (if not specified, they will be updated in one hour)

Then you can just call ./Nedordle.Cli.

  • Manually specify token and guild ID using --token and --guild-id: ./Nedordle.Cli --token YOUR_TOKEN --guild-id YOUR_GUILD_ID
  • Manually specify token and guild ID using the interactive menu:
    • Run ./Nedordle.Cli interactive
    • Select Run the bot using manual settings
    • Enter the required data (don't worry, the token is hidden)

After that, you should get a lot of messages from the Discord API (DSharpPlus), that means everything works correctly. Congrats :D


Josh Wardle for creating Wordle!

The DSharpPlus team for creating DSharpPlus!

For the curious

Notion Board