
How strain file should be formatted?

FilipeMatteoli opened this issue · 2 comments

I have prepared the file as:

Whenever I run step 1 and 3, get:
====== step01: strain list successfully loaded
====== starting step03: extract sequences from GenBank file
====== time for step03:
0.00 minutes (0.01 seconds)

But .data/strain_name/input_gbk remains emptyy

I am running as follows:
./ -fn ./data/Azospirillum_sp/ -sl Azospirillum_sp -st 1 2 3 -t 10

Am I missing something?

Well, I figured it out. In general, I believe that the documentation can be improved.

Turns out that the user cannot provide a strain list file, panX creates it from the directory based on the gbk sequences within it.

yes, we are aware that the docs aren't up to standards. glad you figured it out.