
Edit/delete buttons in lists

Closed this issue · 5 comments

How would you go on for adding edit/delete buttons for each item in a collection so that they can be shown alongside the post name (for instance)?

Do you create each link using the Proc syntax and pass them in as keys which seems a little messy or is there a way to pass in post name as a key and pass in an object or an id or something for the edit / delete buttons?


<%= render_cached 'post',
  collection: @posts,
  replace: {
    name: -> (post) { },

The kind of output I'm trying to get is (simplified):

  <td>Post name here</td>
  <td><a href="/posts/1/edit">Edit</a></td>
  <td><a href="/posts/1" data-method="delete">Delete</a></td>


You could make helper methods for the buttons and do it like this:


def edit_button(post)
  link_to "edit post", edit_post_path(post)

def delete_button(post)
  # delete button code


<%= render_cached 'post',
          collection: @posts,
          replace: { 
            edit_button: -> (post) { edit_button(post) },
            delete_button: -> (post) { delete_button(post) }


  <td>Post name here</td>
  <td><%= cache_replace_key :edit_button %></td>
  <td><%= cache_replace_key :delete_button %></td>

Thanks @teeparham but is it not possible to mix keys and partials when replacing?

On Mon, Jan 19, 2015 4:37 PM GMT Tee Parham wrote:

You could make helper methods for the buttons and do it like this:


def edit_button(post)

 link_to "edit post", edit_post_path(post)


def delete_button(post)

 # delete button code



<%= render_cached 'post',

         collection: @posts,

         replace: { 

           edit_button: -> (post) { edit_button(post) },

           delete_button: -> (post) { delete_button(post) }





 <td>Post name here</td>

 <td><%= cache_replace_key :edit_button %></td>

 <td><%= cache_replace_key :delete_button %></td>


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#5 (comment)

You cannot currently pass a partial as the replace value for each item in a collection. I'm not exactly sure how that would work. You could try something like:

<%= render_cached 'post',
          collection: @posts,
          replace: { 
            something: -> (post) { render partial: 'dynamic', post: post }

Yep, that almost worked, but needed to be:

<%= render_cached 'post',
          collection: @posts,
          replace: { 
            something: -> (post) { render partial: 'dynamic', locals: { post: post } }

Thanks @teeparham

@teeparham it might also be worth pointing out in the Use section of the gem's readme that you need to include loading cache_rocket from the lib directory because I don't think autoloading lib files is done by default.
I did this by adding an initializer file called cache_rocket.rb that just contained:

require 'cache_rocket'