
See the impact of regulated numbers (setbacks, height, travel lane and sidewalk width, etc.) on your city streets

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Live Demo: http://neil21.github.com/Formr/formr.html

* For most explanation and motivation see here: http://stroadtoboulevard.tumblr.com/formr
* For the "to do" list, see Issues. Dive in! Learn some WebGL (3D in the browser)! Tell your friends! 

The purpose of this webapp is to be able to see the impact of different regulated numbers (setback, height, travel lane and sidewalk width) on the �feel� of the street.

By allowing people to directly manipulate the numbers and see the image change they can see how our current zoning regulations and geometric design guides result in pedestrian-unfriendly car-first streets.

Use cases:

* Easily demonstrate how a block matures over time, from Rural T1 to bustling T5 main street.
* Demonstrate how good enclosure 'feels'.
* Demonstrate how Burnaby's zoning bylaws and street design guidelines explicitly prevent the development of a Parisian boulevard.
* Show how a multiway boulevard can fit in the same space as a standard Vancouver arterial.
* Show how New Pacific Boulevard will feel (wide street, some trees, no buildings).

With javascript frameworks three.js (webgl - 3D stuff) and dat.gui (controls) this a hell of a lot less difficult than it sounds at first. I�ve done some hacking around, and discovered some quirks of three.js that I�ll happily share. If I could take a week off and hack around I would, but I bet there are young�uns out there that are more time-rich than me.

And I'm sure the urbanism blogosphere would lap it up.

For a to do list, see the "Issues" tab in Github. It's in reverse order.

More references:
The first dozen slides here show form definition for a real neighborhood: http://revelstokeudb.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Revelstoke-Closing-Presentation.pdf