
custom header

Closed this issue · 9 comments

why do i see this message on pages? "Oh No!! You have custom_header activated in your functions.php. Open that file and remove: add_theme_support( 'custom-header' ); "

Maybe a plugin you have is looking after the custom header, do you use any for that?

Hi, Neil your Genesis child theme is awesome - thanks so much. (Not sure if this was in response to a support request I made but I fixed the issue I was having with the front page) was just something like above that I had to switch in functions.php so cheers a lot!.

nope its the custom-header function you use for the logo in function.php. if you try it you can see it in pages, latest version of wordpress

Can't replicate the error - tested on latest version with WP Debug on, the function is the just the regular one from the codex

Hi Danny - thanks for the feedback

look a little harder, its only on pages

you got some cheek

lol, i guess you are not fixing it

@Brody182 that happens if you have another plugin that interacts with the header (like Genesis Simple Headers, Genesis Logo upload, etc.) activated on your site. If you deactivate other plugins that try to alter the header, you should be set.