Base64 encoded asset
Opened this issue · 10 comments
Deleted user commented
The bundle is working quite well but I've got an issue with a new asset :
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'LogicException' with message
has not been cached as file
in path\to\project\vendor\neilime\zf2-assets-bundle\src\AssetsBundle\Service\Service.php on line 855
Is there a built-in solution for base 64 encoded media like this gif ?
auamarto commented
sergiohermes commented
neilime commented
I'm wokring on a fix, it will be available asap
Deleted user commented
Thx neilime
sergiohermes commented
Ow god Emilien :D
you're the man
Deleted user commented
Hey neilime,
I don't have the time to test it deeper but it looks like your fix in the dev-master branch is doing its job.
I am closing this issue now :)
marhub commented
i have latest commit ( c6e9691 ) and it's not working as expected ( file is base64 encoded png ).
marhub commented
sample css:
form fieldset.buttons .commit input { background-image: url(); }
as-sar commented
neilime commented
Fixed in the version 3.4.2