
Flags for commands in powershell using DarkGray as foreground are unreadable

Closed this issue · 3 comments

I just installed the solarized theme doing the registry add first, then updated the links, then copied the Set-SolarizedDarkColorDefaults.ps1 to my profile folder, and then added required text to the end of my profile. Everything looked great after running Out-Colors but once I started using it all of the flags for powershell commands are defaulting to the DarkGray for font color. This is making it unreadable for me. I looked in the Set-SolarizedDarkColorDefaults.ps1 but I do not see that being used except for background colors.


PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> git tfs clone $tfs $/IntraWebForms/AmexReporting --branches=all --workspace="c:\repos"


Reposting on my non-work account: Came here to say that I am having this same behavior too. The flags are impossible to read.

See git cherry -v master screenshot:

@l8nite I ended up going through the install steps again and it seems to have corrected my issue. Granted I tried to uninstall it first and can't remember the steps I took there but I did not completely remove everything.

I followed the github page instructions for running Update-Link copied the Set-Solarized-***.ps1 to my profile folder then added the line to my Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1 file.


@crumdev Thank you! That seemed to resolve it for me as well!