
XC-Basic build options for using it in a browser

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Hy @neilsf
is it possible to compile XC-Basic for one of the following targets:

  • Webassembly
  • x86 32 bit linux

I would like to build a simple web based XC-Basic code editor that mimics the P5 js webeditor workflow:

  • code editor with syntax highlighting (something like CodeJar)
  • integrated compiler (either XC-Basic x86 running in a linux js vm - not ideal... or XC-Basic compiled to webassembly with a supersimple js API:
    xcbasic.compile(src_code_string, cmd_line_options_string) => outputs DASM source code)
  • integrated DASM assembler (dasm js)
  • integrated C64 emulator (something like Vice js)

I would like it to be all-clientside, so I discarded the "compiler-as-a-service" option.

To make some quick tests, an x86 32 bit linux compiled XC-Basic that can run in a linux js vm alongside dasm would probably be the easiest path.

Hey @frenchfaso

Although I wonder how XC=BASIC would access files (it reads and writes files on disk)... this part would need to be adjusted to the web environment somehow? Sorry if I'm speaking nonsense, I'm not much of a professional in WebAsssembly.


Although I wonder how XC=BASIC would access files (it reads and writes files on disk)...

I'm not familiar with webassembly either, but Emscripten should take care of this, it has various shims for SDL, OpenGL, FS, etc..
Documentation mentions C/C++ but in theory it should work with every language that uses LLVM.

I will try the Linux js vm route first, seems like the quickest path to a working proof of concept (I might be wrong!)
Compiling XC-Basic from git master on a 32 bit linux should give me a 32 bit XC-Basic?
No need to modify dub.json or some other config file?

Compiling XC-Basic from git master on a 32 bit linux should give me a 32 bit XC-Basic?

It should. If compilation fails with an error, let me know because there can be a bug in the code that only shows up in 32-bit systems - I can fix that easily.

No need to modify dub.json or some other config file?

No, it should work without any mod.