
Ability to select multiple biomes and or terrain types?

vitties opened this issue · 2 comments

Would love to be able to select a few biome types or terrain types? Similar to how the rivers and roads options work. Thanks

Thanks @vitties for the suggestion!

I tried to implement it like this at first but the problem is that if you chose only biomes as filters (that is, without any other conditions), the mod will try to highlight a great number of tiles which definitely put a strain on the game (i.e the game starts to lag, and this is really noticeable).

The approach (which I tried, but didn't implement in the end) was to limit the number of highlighted tiles to an acceptable number of tiles (around 10000) but then the problem is that you loose information: some tiles that should definitely be highlighted simply won't be. So, I ended up choosing to highlight only for a single biome / terrain type.

Coming to think of it, the above approach would be interesting if players know that if more than 10000 tiles should be highlighted, some of them won't be highlighted ( and only the first 10000 will be).

I'm not sure I'll be able to implement both (actual implementation and proposed change) , so that will definitely introduce a change. I'm not against the idea though.

I'll take a look at it around the beginning of next year, once I'm less busy at work. If you have any other ideas about this change feel free to add your ideas, I'm always eager for feedback :)