
Running yarn dev is very slow

L-van-der-merwe opened this issue · 3 comments

When I run yarn dev, it compiles the project, its very resourceful, when its done, I go to localhost:3000 and it takes 10 minutes to show the docs, when I change something, that entire process needs to be repeated, using your theme extension looks very cool and it is useful, but the duration it takes just to get a result in dev mode is really intense, wait an hour to make 6 changes.

Any idea on what can be investigated on my environment that might be the reason for this delayed builds?

nejcm commented


Unfortunately can't recreate this. On my side it is very performant. The first build is a bit slow (a minute or two) but after that reloads without a problem.
Would like to see if anybody else ran into this. Will leave the issue open and lets see.

Damn, I wonder what it might be, can images have an influence in the compiling process? I want to use this theme sooo bad but it's unusable on my side, do you have a standard boilerplated version I can use to test it out before I add the theme to my current docz, if its running fine from the boilerplate, then I will move all my content over manually.

Thanks in advance.

nejcm commented

So it's hard to say what is the performance issue. Images should not be an issue. To be honest from personal experience I had a lot of different issues in the past with npm (yarn) in general... like packages working when installed over npm but not over yarn, packages breaking after updating them... A lot of times doing a clean install helps. This means removing node_modules, doing a yarn clean and then reinstalling again with yarn install.