
subMenuGroups.some is not a function

RyanPWalker opened this issue · 4 comments

When trying to use the menu search bar in the top left, I get the error: Uncaught TypeError: subMenuGroups.some is not a function. I'm guessing it was just an oversight when the submenu feature was added?

Node 14.15.4
React 16.13 && React 17
Babel 7
Docz 2.3.1
@nejcm/docz-theme-extended 2.0.10

Screenshot at Feb 05 16-13-24

Screenshot at Feb 05 16-16-42

nejcm commented

Hi thanks for reporting. Will take a look into it.

nejcm commented

I pushed a fix for this. Let me know if the bug still persists. It's hard to test all the edge cases as they are many config options available.


Looks good as far as I can tell! Thanks for the quick turn around!!

nejcm commented

Np. Good to hear. In case of any other issues let me know.