
Question: How to listen for new level rated (any level)

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Im really confused on how to use the available listeners from this module. I wanna do something if a level gets rated like printing the information about it or storing into a variable. Can someone help me please.

interesting question..

First of all, listener's stable API is available only in development version as of now.
You can install it via

python -m pip install --upgrade

I thought I described events and listeners fine in the docs
Anyways, here is a quick example of doing something when a level gets rated:

import gd

client = gd.Client()  # create our client
client.listen_for("rate")  # create level rate listener

async def on_level_rated(level: gd.Level) -> None:
    print(f"{} was rated! ID: {}.")  # blocks the thread until stopped

Thanks, that was a fast response.

No problem, have fun! :)