
Cannot install

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Two methods tried:

1. Folder addition.

I downloaded the .zip from here, unzipped to Obsidian's plugins folder.

Top-right of the main window shows: Failed to install plugin

Console shows:

Plugin failure: auto-card-link Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/robert/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~md~obsidian/Documents/My vault/.obsidian/plugins/obsidian-auto-card-link/main.js'

2. Install via BRAT.

BRAT reports:

Screenshot 2022-04-15 at 19 48 28

@robertandrews Thanks for trying!
BRAT installation failed because version number had v prefix.
I fixed it, I installed via BRAT and it worked successfully!
Please try installing this plugin via BRAT again and see if it works, thanks!

Works now, thanks!

Very interesting. Coming from Notion, this link presentation feels familiar and comforting.

Though, in the sense that Obsidian presents itself as plain-text, future-proof etc, there's a lot of code used to make the cardlink which is fairly custom. Could you just convert standard Markdown links on-the-fly by fetching the destination page meta data? Maybe with the addition of a single parameter to differentiate from links that are to be left as non-cards.

Then the standard link format would be left in place for the future...

I guess the need for this to function offline would nix that? ie. it would need to make remote calls for each destination page?

Thanks for trying and giving me feedbacks!

Could you just convert standard Markdown links on-the-fly by fetching the destination page meta data?

I love the idea and I would do that if possible! But, I don't think we can do that because you can't change the way how plain-texts are displayed. The only ways to change it is to use HTML tags or code blocks...

Ah, I guess, from my point of view is two things... i) Obsidian newbie, TBH and ii) using the hybrid Live View/Edit View. I was speculating that there may be a way to render it in Live View, if not in Edit.

Thank you again for your valuable feedback!
I'm closing this issue since installation problem has solved.