
Amazon product images not being captured/shown on card

Opened this issue · 2 comments

  • Maybe my problem could be fixed by modifying the CSS, but I wouldn't know how. If that's the case, I'd appreciate any help doing that.
  • Aside from showing images, it would be nice if the cards showed the product's price, but that's more of a feature request, I think. But, again, maybe a custom CSS could do it.

In any case, thanks for this great plugin. I haven't run into problems with other sites.

I am having the same issue. A workaround is to manually add the image to the card link code block by copying in the image address like this:

image: <link to amazon image>

The reason for this, as it seems, is that Amazon does not provide an og:image meta tag. I did some investigating and found this thread, which discusses a similar issue.

Apparently, Amazon is only adding the image meta tag if the website is called by the Googlebot user-agent (you can confirm this by manually changing your user-agent in Chrome, like described here).

So, finding a way to parse the website behind the URL with a different user-agent would work as a solution. I hope this helps! :)

Adding the image manually works for me, thank you!