
error while loading shared libraries: on Fedora 34

validatedev opened this issue · 4 comments

libayatana-appindicator3 is not available for Fedora 34, thus the last version of the applet is not working on that system.

What do they have in Fedora instead?

The old one, I think libappindicator3 worked very well.

I see. This is a tough one.

libappindicator was created by Ubuntu back when they were doing the Unity thing, and they gave up developing both Unity and libappindicator in 2016. libayatana-appindicator is a fork that is currently maintained, and it's available in most distros (excluding Fedora, apparently).

I have reorganized the code a little bit so that we can ship the -legacy version built against libappindicator. That should do it for Fedora users for now. However, keep in mind that Debian has declared libappindicatordeprecated in Debian 10, and it looks like Debian 11 (that is expected to ship this year) will not include libappindicator at all. Since our build chain is Debian-based, as soon as Debian completely removes libappindicatorwe may start having trouble compiling the legacy builds.

To be honest, I really don't think supporting libappindicator is worth the effort at this point. I have added the legacy builds for practice, just to see if I can make this happen with minimal effort, and it turns out I could. :) If at any point in future it demands jumping through any non-trivial hoops, I'll be happy to drop it for good.

Yeah, I think it makes sense. Thanks for your effort!