
PHP Fatal error

dionx opened this issue · 3 comments

dionx commented

PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Fixtures\ProviderMock::getOptions(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request): void must be compatible with Nelmio\CorsBundle\Options\ProviderInterface::getOptions(Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request): array in vendor/nelmio/cors-bundle/Tests/Fixtures/ProviderMock.php on line 14

Do you have extra information about this error?

Like php version and Symfony version you are using now?

dionx commented

Yes, I have. php 7.4.12, symfony 4.4. I got this error while getting acquainted with the hautelook/alice-bundle. But it seems to me that these nuances are not particularly needed to understand the error. Take a closer look at declaration these methods:

  1. public function getOptions(Request $request): void {}
  2. public function getOptions(Request $request): array;

Fixed by #169