
Last tags don't filter current branch

maciejwajda opened this issue · 0 comments

Last tags don't filter on current branch but use all branches tags, equivalent of git tag instead of git tag --merged.
This can be fixed here net.nemerosa.versioning.git.GitInfoService#getLastTags

    List<String> getLastTags(Project project, VersioningExtension extension, String tagPattern) {
        // Git access
        //noinspection GroovyAssignabilityCheck
        def grgit = getGitDirectory(extension, project))
        def branchCommits = grgit.log(maxCommits: 10000)*.id
        // List all tags
        return grgit.tag.list()
        // ... filters using the pattern and commits from current branch
                .findAll { ( =~ tagPattern).find() && branchCommits.contains( }
                .sort{ a,b ->
        // ... sort by desc commit time
                    b.commit.dateTime.toEpochSecond() <=> a.commit.dateTime.toEpochSecond() ?:
        // ... (#36) commit time is not enough. We have also to consider the case where several pattern compliant tags
        // ...       are on the same commit, and we must sort them by desc version
                    TagSupport.tagOrder(tagPattern, <=> TagSupport.tagOrder(tagPattern,
        // ... gets their name only