
MissingMethodException (No signature of method)

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I have download latest release 2.13.1 source and compile with gradle 4.10.2 as per gradle wrapper. Compiled successfully. When using in the project with ./gradlew versionDisplay, I got the following error:-

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':versionDisplay'.
> No signature of method: static net.nemerosa.versioning.git.GitInfoService.getGitDirectory() 
is applicable for argument types: (net.nemerosa.versioning.VersioningExtension_Decorated, 
values: [extension 'versioning', root project 'demo-app']


I have the following versioning tag to point to the root directory of my source working directory

versioining {
  gitRepoRoorDir = '../'

Fix some annotation issue in VersionFileTask.groovy

  • Added @Input and @InputFile annotation for property file and prefix

I finally figure out the issue. If I am using the Gradle 2.1 method as plugins {}, then there is no issue. But I am using the buildscript {}, therefore, i need to include classpath for grgit and svnkit in order for this plugin to work. After adding the following, everything works.

I am not sure why the original 2.7.1 located in plugin m2 do not require the 2 classpath whereas the one I compiled manually need to.

buildscript {
   repositories {
      maven {
         url ""
   dependencies {
      classpath 'net.nemerosa:versioning:2.13.1'
      classpath 'org.ajoberstar.grgit:grgit-core:4.0.1'
      classpath 'org.tmatesoft.svnkit:svnkit:1.8.12'

apply plugin: 'net.nemerosa.versioning'