
Dirty working tree when gradle project is in a subdirectory

loetscher opened this issue · 5 comments

If the gradle build is placed in a subfolder, the plugin will result in a dirty state.

   versioning {
    gitRepoRootDir = '../'

See sandbox project (base spring-boot initializer with the plugin)

Steps to reproduce the problem

git clone
cd nemerosa-git-dirty/server/
git status

results in:

On branch master
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'.

nothing to commit, working tree clean

The command ./gradlew versionDisplay will identify a dirty state:

> Task :versionDisplay
[versioning] WARNING - git status:
unstaged [
[versioning] WARNING - the working copy has unstaged or uncommitted changes.
[version] scm         = git
[version] branch      = master
[version] branchType  = master
[version] branchId    = master
[version] commit      = 91b30fd3dc3595b2316f49f159b6f93be340f08e
[version] full        = master-91b30fd-dirty
[version] base        =
[version] build       = 91b30fd
[version] gradle      =
[version] display     = master-91b30fd-dirty
[version] tag         =
[version] lastTag     = 0.1.0
[version] dirty       = true

Expected behaviour

The plugin does not list unstaged changes if the git command has a clean working tree and has not dirty state.

Converting the Layout to a gradle multiproject build seems to work, if gradle is run in the project root:

Thanks @loetscher for reporting this.

Just a remark, when I clone the repository (thanks for this btw, very much appreciated), the server/gradlew is not executable, I had to make it executable, commit it and then the dirty suffix disappears:

chmod u+x server/gradlew
git commit -a ...
cd server
./gradlew versionDisplay

[version] scm         = git
[version] branch      = master
[version] branchType  = master
[version] branchId    = master
[version] commit      = 462081b11268a4377231bf07c3205dd8cb2ab45a
[version] full        = master-462081b
[version] base        = 
[version] build       = 462081b
[version] gradle      = 
[version] display     = master-462081b

All good with you now?

Hi @dcoraboeuf ,

Thanks for the quick response. I'm working on Windows (git bash) and will have a look into it. On my buildserver (linux) the gradle is executable. Maybe this is a flaw in my sanbox example...

All good with you now?

Yes. See comments below.

The local build of the current project on Windows (not the sandbox sample) still have this issue that every single file seems to be unstaged.
A crosscheck on our buildserver states the following:
gradlew is executable and using the

versioning {
    dirtyStatusLog = true

flag showed that there is indeed a tmpfolder written (by jenkins?) during the build:

14:00:42  unstaged [
14:00:42  	server@tmp/...

this explains the dirty workspace. After adding server@tmp to gitignore everything works fine on our jenkins.

Thats fine for me and thanks for your support @dcoraboeuf .

Thanks for the feedback, very much appreciated.