
Showcase of Javascript Galen tests

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Galen Sample Tests

This project is used in order to demonstrate the features of Galen Framework and the power of Javascript-based tests

The web application that it is testing is http://testapp.galenframework.com/

If you have Galen Framework installed you can just checkout this project and run it with the following command:

galen test tests/ --htmlreport reports

Environments and SeleniumGrid

You can create configurations for different environments, like local run, some cloud based service or just remote SeleniumGrid. Look at galen.hub.json as example how to configure it to use with remote SeleniumGrid instance.

To run the defined configuration you have to specify GALEN_CONFIG as environment variable.

GALEN_CONFIG="galen.hub.json" galen test tests/ --htmlreport reports

Configuration file

By default galen.local.json configuration file will be used.

In configuration file it's possible to define domain which galen should use as starting point, gridUrl in case you use remote Selenium Grid installation and defaultBrowser.

	"domain" : "testapp.galenframework.com",
	"gridUrl": "http://selenium-grid-url/hub/wd",
	"defaultBrowser": "firefox"

Also it's possible to keep all test-wide configuration information in this file under the key config. For example to keep test-user credentials.

	"config": {
		"TEST_USER": {
			"username": "testuser@example.com",
			"password": "test123"

Run only one test

If you would like to run only one test of all of them, it's possible to specify it using only keyword. It might be useful when you have bunch of tests, but currently you're working only on one of them.

Just prepend .only after testOnAllDevices or testOnDevice and you're good to go:

testOnAllDevices.only("Login page", "/", function (driver, device) {});