🎞 Project Details
nCovWB is an open-source project that helps find leads about covid related helplines and other information available in various districts of West Bengal, India.
🥋 Motivation
A one-stop-shop like a resource center for a covid related database is not available in West Bengal. I faced issues when searching for leads for someone I know. It was challenging to find good leads. This project is a take on solving this problem.
🛠 Tech
For the frontend or this repo, Vue 2 has been used. The backend is served from Sanity. The backend is hosted on Sanity Studio and the frontend is hosted on Vercel.
✨ Contribute
You can also contribute to the project if you abide by the Code of Conduct.
🥇 Credits
A huge thank you to HTML5UP. The whole frontend is based on the Forty theme available there. Also, a big shoutout to Vercel and Sanity for providing hosting and the CMS. This project is my first time working with Vue. A talk from Vue BLR helped me a lot in getting started. Also, Kishalay NGO supported the cause and helped in every possible way.
🧶 License
The project is licensed under MIT.
MIT (c) nemo0 2021