./yii migrate No such file or directory vendor/autoload.php
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kanasagraj commented
When i use ./yii migrate command on terminal, then show me an bellow error.
PHP Warning: require(/var/www/html/advanced/_protected/vendor/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/html/advanced/_protected/yii on line 16
I am using version of yii -> composer create-project nenad/yii2-advanced-template advanced
Please tell me how to solve this.
nenad-zivkovic commented
You have to install templates using Composer. This is how you install Yii2 default templates using Composer on Ubuntu: http://www.freetuts.org/tutorial/view?id=4
After you learn how to install default templates, you can learn how to install improved here : http://www.freetuts.org/tutorial/view?id=6