
Failed creating nodes to neo4j aura

ppalka-lingaro opened this issue · 1 comments

Expected Behavior (Mandatory)

Connect to neo4j aura and creation of nodes and relationship using neomodel
not get any error
config.DATABASE_URL = 'neo4j+s://{}:{}@{}'.format(user, password, uri)

Actual Behavior (Mandatory)

writing or connection failed
after 1st execution
Failed to write data to connection ResolvedIPv4Address(('XX.XX.XX.XX', 7687)) (ResolvedIPv4Address(('XX.XX.XX.XX', 7687)))
Failed to write data to connection IPv4Address(('', 7687)) (ResolvedIPv4Address(('XX.XX.XX.XX', 7687)))

after second execution, looks that nodes where created but why after 1st time it's failing with this error
neomodel.exceptions.UniqueProperty: Node(1381) already exists with label Person and property name = 'John'

How to Reproduce the Problem

  1. create aura instance on neo4j page
  2. connect using neomodel

Simple Example

class Person(StructuredNode):
name = StringProperty(unique_index=True)
knows = RelationshipTo('Person', 'KNOWS')

john = Person(name='John').save()
jane = Person(name='Jane').save()

Create a relationship


Datasets and Statements

I tested connection using
cypher-shell -a neo4j+s:// -u neo4j -p password
Connected to Neo4j using Bolt protocol version 5.3 at neo4j+s:// as user neo4j.

also before was using native neo4j driver and all was working

Screenshots (where it's possible)

Specifications (Mandatory)

Currently used versions


  • OS: Windows 11
  • Library: neomodel 5.2
  • Neo4j:5.12 # tried 5.14 but didn't work with python 3.12 and neomodel
  • python 3.10.11 - I # tried initially on 3.12 but it was causing issues with installation.


From your message, I get you did manage to connect to Aura using neomodel, right ? It's writing the node that is causing issues.
Also, we do test connection to Aura in our integrations test, with all four available protocols, and all supported Python versions 3.7 -> 3.11 (note we do not support Python 3.12 yet)

Just in case, can you add this in your code, before trying to connect ?

from neo4j.debug import watch
with watch("neo4j"):
    # Connect and query

This should output more information about the driver status