
Async Cardinality always throwing type error.

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Expected Behavior (Mandatory)

Be able to set cardinality between two Nodes that should have a One-to-One relationship.

Actual Behavior (Mandatory)

Throwing type error.

Argument of type "type[AsyncOne]" cannot be assigned to parameter "cardinality" of type "type[AsyncZeroOrMore]" in function "__init__"
  "type[AsyncOne]" is incompatible with "type[AsyncZeroOrMore]"
  Type "type[AsyncOne]" is incompatible with type "type[AsyncZeroOrMore]"Pyright[reportArgumentType](

How to Reproduce the Problem

Adding a cardinality of AsyncOne within Async RelationshipTo and AsyncRelationshipFrom

Simple Example

from datetime import UTC, datetime

from neomodel import (AsyncOne, AsyncRelationshipFrom, AsyncRelationshipTo,
                      AsyncStructuredNode, AsyncStructuredRel, AsyncZeroOrOne,
                      BooleanProperty, DateTimeProperty, IntegerProperty, One,
                      StringProperty, config)

class PostedRel(AsyncStructuredRel):
    is_private = BooleanProperty()
    created_at = DateTimeProperty(

class User(AsyncStructuredNode):
    user_id = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True)
    apple_id = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True)
    email = StringProperty(unique_index=True, required=True)
    username = StringProperty()
    display_name = StringProperty()
    first_name = StringProperty()
    last_name = StringProperty()
    profile_photo = StringProperty()
    header_photo = StringProperty()
    profile_song = StringProperty()
    account_active = BooleanProperty()
    account_private = BooleanProperty()
    created_at = DateTimeProperty(
    last_login = DateTimeProperty(
    last_seen = DateTimeProperty()

    follows = AsyncRelationshipTo("User", "FOLLOWS")
    blocks = AsyncRelationshipTo("User", "BLOCKS")
    mutes = AsyncRelationshipTo("User", "MUTES")
    posts = AsyncRelationshipFrom("Post", "POSTED")
    reposts = AsyncRelationshipFrom("Post", "REPOSTED")

    user_stats = AsyncRelationshipTo("UserStats", "USER_STATS", cardinality=AsyncOne) # Throwing Type Error

class UserStats(AsyncStructuredNode):
    user = AsyncRelationshipFrom("User", "USER_STATS", cardinality=AsyncOne) # Throwing Type Error
    following_count = IntegerProperty()
    followers_count = IntegerProperty()
    likes_count = IntegerProperty()
    repost_count = IntegerProperty()
    quote_count = IntegerProperty()
    replies_count = IntegerProperty()
    bookmarked_count = IntegerProperty()
    correct_prediction_count = IntegerProperty()
    predictions_made_count = IntegerProperty()
    profile_visits_count = IntegerProperty()

Screenshots (where it's possible)

Can't figure out how to screenshot the hover-over error while screenshotting, the popup goes away.

Specifications (Mandatory)

neomodel = {extras = ["extras"], version = "^5.3.2"}

Currently used versions


  • OS: MacOS 14.5
  • Neo4j: Neo4j 5.2.1

What do you use as an IDE / Linting tool ?

Because for me with Visual Studio Code with the default Python mode this one is not showing an issue :

I use Pyright and Ruff with VSCodium. I believe it was Pyright that was throwing the error. I also have the typing set to Strict, so that might be the issue.

OK. If anybody has an idea how to make this right ? Otherwise, it is not technically a bug, so I will mark this for later closure.