
Setting the database via `config_builder.db("graph")` using the ConfigBuilder seems to be ignored

avrabe opened this issue · 2 comments

avrabe commented

I'm working on some code in
For this I've locally created a project with an additional database graph.

Independent if I mention the database name in the url() or the db() of the ConfigBuilder, at the end always the neo4j database is used. Do I miss something in my code?

    let config = ConfigBuilder::new()
    info!("{:?}", config);
    let graph = Arc::new(Graph::connect(config).await.unwrap());
    let txn = graph.start_txn().await.unwrap();
2023-10-01T12:33:37.796902Z  INFO graph_git_cli: graph-git-cli/src/ Config { uri: "bolt://", user: "neo4j", password: "12345678", max_connections: 16, db: "graph", fetch_size: 200 }

Just hit this as well, you can hotfix this by vendoring in the repo and updating from ...

pub fn begin() -> BoltRequest {

... to ...

pub fn begin(db: &str) -> BoltRequest {
	let mut extra = BoltMap::default();
	extra.put("db".into(), db.to_owned().into());


... and from ...

pub(crate) async fn new(config: Config, mut connection: ManagedConnection) -> Result<Self> {
	let begin = BoltRequest::begin();
	match connection.send_recv(begin).await? {
		BoltResponse::Success(_) => Ok(Txn {
			connection: Arc::new(Mutex::new(connection)),
		msg => Err(unexpected(msg, "BEGIN")),

... to ...

pub(crate) async fn new(config: Config, mut connection: ManagedConnection) -> Result<Self> {
	let begin = BoltRequest::begin(&config.db);
	match connection.send_recv(begin).await? {
		BoltResponse::Success(_) => Ok(Txn {
			connection: Arc::new(Mutex::new(connection)),
		msg => Err(unexpected(msg, "BEGIN")),

Thanks for reporting this. #117 fixes this issue, so that start_txn will use the configured database.
We also add the functions start_tx_on, execute_on, and run_on that accept a db: &str parameter which takes precedence over the configured database, so you can run queries on whatever database you need without having to configure and use separate clients (see for an example usage).