apoc generated uuid not returning properly
lucasfelber opened this issue · 1 comments
lucasfelber commented
I set up the automatic uuid generation with apoc-extended when a node is created like so:
But when I get the result back the uuid property is not there.
Here is the setup in the system database:
let systemdb_config = ConfigBuilder::default()
let systemdb = Arc::new(Graph::connect(systemdb_config).await.unwrap());
systemdb.run(query("CALL apoc.uuid.setup('user', 'neo4j', {addToExistingNodes: false})")).await.unwrap();
And this would cause an issue:
let database_config = ConfigBuilder::default()
let graph = Arc::new(Graph::connect(database_config).await.unwrap());
let mut result = graph.execute(
query("CREATE (user:user {name: $name}) RETURN user")
.param("name", "Bob")
while let Ok(Some(row)) = result.next().await {
let node: Node = row.get("user").unwrap();
let uuid: String = node.get("uuid").unwrap();
The result does not have the property uuid, even though it is present in the database.
Is this the intended behavior?
jexp commented
Can you please re-open the issue on the apoc repo? https://github.com/neo4j-contrib/neo4j-apoc-procedures?
In short the uuid is added in the tx-event handler which runs after the data to be sent to the client has been fetched by the cypher runtime.
You can probably re-fetch the node by its elementId()