
[Bug]: Secret secret-neo4j configured in 'neo4j.passwordFromSecret' not found

predhme opened this issue · 2 comments

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What happened?

  • Neo4j Chart Version: 5.17.0 (note: this was not an option in the dropdown)
  • k8s Server Version: v1.27.5+k3s1
  • kubectl version: v1.28.2
  • helm version: 3.12.3

The Error (NOTE: I have the chart downloaded and exploded directly in my charts directory):

Error: execution error at (data/charts/neo4j/templates/_helpers.tpl:350:19): Secret secret-neo4j configured in 'neo4j.passwordFromSecret' not found

I only get this error when running a helm template . It is worth mentioning that I am able to helm install . neo4j fine. I was able to follow the directions on this page to properly configure access the pod and prove connection using kubctl and the cypher-shell.

I use helm for local development of charts, but we actually use ArgoCD to deploy our charts. ArgoCD does not do helm install commands. Instead it does helm template and then does kubectl apply. Sadly ArgoCD fails with the same error.

Here are my relevant values:

  enabled: true
  fullnameOverride: neo4j
    name: "neo4j"
    passwordFromSecret: "secret-neo4j"
    acceptLicenseAgreement: "yes"

Although I know the secret exists as I am able to authenticate to the deployed pod (when using helm install), but to further prove it exists:

kubectl get secrets
NAME                 TYPE                DATA   AGE
secret-neo4j     Opaque           4           32m

Chart Name


Chart Version



Local Machine

Relevant log output

Error: execution error at (data/charts/neo4j/templates/_helpers.tpl:350:19): Secret secret-neo4j configured in 'neo4j.passwordFromSecret' not found

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Ok, I figured it out. The disableLookups is what I needed.

@predhme Thanks for responding with the solution