
Minification not working?

Closed this issue · 2 comments


Expected Result


Actual Result

html {
  background: #fff;
  color: #333;

Hmm, what's happening?

The url is in-production one and has trailing ?min=1.
The revision specifier (825fd5c...) is using a commit hash rather than a branch name.
But the result isn't minified.

Am I missing anything else?

Environment: Windows 10, Google Chrome

Hello. It is minified now. The first time a file is requested and not yet in the Cloudflare cache it is served as-is, and only then minified. So you just need to hard-refresh couple of times for file to be minified.

That file is certainly displayed as minified via the same URL after super reloading on my Chrome.
It was a learning experience for me as a CDN newbie.