
fails with `extends: react-app`

davidsu opened this issue · 3 comments

I have this non-trivial project that I'm getting into, it's a monorepo where one of the sub-repos has a eslint config extending from a thousand different configs. coc-eslint simply didn't run there, playing around I figured that commenting out the line that extends from react-app makes coc-eslint behave as expected.
Have you ever come across this?

I don't understand, why/how should this help me?
Once I remove react-app eslint works properly, using the correct binary and correct configuration, it's just this specific dependency that causes coc-eslint to fail silently, I don't even know what the problem is, don't know what to add in this workspace.
In any case, I have removed this dependency from eslintrc and I'm fine with it.
I really prefer avoiding project specific ide configurations, so I'm fine with this, just thought to raise your awarness to the situation.
Thanks a lot for your answer and your amazing work!

Should be issue with your eslint, can't reproduce from your description