
The rule no-undef doesn't work?

Napoleon-Jm opened this issue · 6 comments

The "no-undef" rule is not work in cos-eslint, but it's worked on my vscode(same js code).
And other lint error tips' ok, did I miss something to config?

There is nothing special on my coc config, almost is default.

Add below code to my js file, and saved,


Both of them(abc, bcd) should be lint a "no-undef", while vscode does, but coc not.


The output:

[Info - 8:16:16 ├F10: PM┤] Local tsserver not found, using bundled tsserver with coc-tsserver.
[Info - 8:16:16 ├F10: PM┤] using npm from /Users/jimin/.nvm/versions/node/v12.22.0/bin/npm
[Info - 8:16:16 ├F10: PM┤] Forking TSServer
PATH: /Users/jimin/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-tsserver/node_modules/typescript/lib/tsserver.js
[Info - 8:16:16 ├F10: PM┤] Starting TSServer
"path": "/Users/jimin/.config/coc/extensions/node_modules/coc-tsserver/node_modules/typescript/lib",
"_pathLabel": "",
"_api": {
"versionString": "4.5.5",
"version": "4.5.5"
[Trace - 8:16:16 ├F10: PM┤] Sending request: configure (0). Response expected: no. Current queue length: 0
Arguments: {
"hostInfo": "coc-nvim",
"preferences": {
"providePrefixAndSuffixTextForRename": true,
"allowRenameOfImportPath": true,
"includePackageJsonAutoImports": "auto"
[Trace - 8:16:16 ├F10: PM┤] Sending request: compilerOptionsForInferredProjects (1). Response expected: no. Current queue length: 0
Arguments: {
"options": {
"module": "commonjs",
"target": "es2016",
"jsx": "preserve",
"allowJs": true,
"allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
"allowNonTsExtensions": true
[Trace - 8:16:16 ├F10: PM┤] Event received: typingsInstallerPid (0).
Data: {
"pid": 6355
[Trace - 8:16:16 ├F10: PM┤] Sending request: updateOpen (2). Response expected: yes. Current queue length: 0
Arguments: {
"changedFiles": [],
"closedFiles": [],
"openFiles": [
"file": "/Users/jimin/MyWorkSpace/js2uml/src/js2seq/index.js",
"fileContent": "\nclass Js2Seq {\n\n constructor(a) {\n this.a = a;\n }\n\n abc = b;\n static convert() {\n return null;\n }\n}\n\nexport {\n Js2Seq,\n};\n",
"projectRootPath": "/Users/jimin/MyWorkSpace/js2uml",
"scriptKindName": "JS"
[Trace - 8:16:17 ├F10: PM┤] Response received: updateOpen (2). Request took 1493 ms. Success: true
Result: true
[Trace - 8:16:17 ├F10: PM┤] Sending request: geterr (3). Response expected: yes. Current queue length: 0
Arguments: {
"delay": 0,
"files": [



"env": {
"browser": true,
"es2021": true,
"node": true
"extends": [
"parserOptions": {
"ecmaFeatures": {
"jsx": true
"ecmaVersion": "latest",
"sourceType": "module"
"rules": {


@chemzqm The fileContent as the code upon, has a abc = b, that will caused a undef lint tip in vscode, but coc doesn't.

The output is from tsserver, not eslint.

Maybe you have "typescript.showUnused": false config

The eslintrc has upload on my first replay,

:CocCommand workspace.showOutput

just give me two options.... watchman or tsserver

Seems you don't have eslint server running.