
Parsing error: ESLint was configured to run on .... However that TSConfig does not include this file

wikanonymous-dev opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, im just facing problem with configured .eslintrc.js and tsconfig.eslint.json.
coc-eslint gave me error that files not included either at tsconfig or eslintrc (means that coc-eslint work with my eslint configuration) but I don't know why coc-eslint still gave me that error.

Error occured inside /src directory.

Related dependecies version:

coc-eslint: 1.5.8
eslint: 8.23.1


> module.exports = {
>   extends: [
>     'standard-with-typescript',
>     'plugin:vue/vue3-recommended',
>     '@vue/eslint-config-typescript',
>     'plugin:unicorn/recommended',
>   ],
>   plugins      : ['align-assignments', 'unicorn'],
>   parserOptions: {
>     project: './tsconfig.eslint.json',
>     parser : {
>       'ts'        : '@typescript-eslint/parser',
>       'js'        : 'espree',
>       '<template>': 'espree',
>     },
>   },
> }


> {
>   "extends": "./tsconfig.json",
>   "include": [
>     "src/**/*.vue",
>     "src/**/*.ts",
>     "src/.vitepress/**/*.ts",
>     "src/.vitepress/**/*.vue",
>     "packages/**/*.ts",
>     "packages/**/*.js",
>     "packages/**/*.vue",
>     "cypress/**/*.ts",
>     "types/**/*.d.ts",
>     ".eslintrc.js",
>     "postcss.config.js",
>     "tailwind.config.js",
>     "tailwind.animation.js",
>     "vite.config.ts",
>     "vitest.config.ts",
>     "cypress.config.ts",
>     "vitest.setup.ts"
>   ],
>   "exclude": [
>     "node_modules",
>     "coverage",
>     "dist",
>     ".nuxt"
>   ]
> }

Screen Shot 2022-12-14 at 15 09 51

What should I do to fix that error diagnostic? Thanks