
Option to respect highlighted search over coc-highlight

teddyhwang opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm looking for a way for coc-highlight to respect search highlights with something like the following:

autocmd CursorHold * silent call HighlightCursorWord()
autocmd CursorMoved * silent call ValidateHighlight()

function! HighlightCursorWord()
  let search = getreg('/')
  let cword = expand('<cword>')
  if match(cword, search) == -1
    call CocActionAsync('highlight')

function! ValidateHighlight()
  let search = getreg('/')
  let cword = expand('<cword>')
  if match(cword, search) == 0
    call CocActionAsync('clearHighlight')

There's currently no coc-action to do something like clearHighlight so this doesn't work. Is there a better way to do this?

I've attached a video of what the problem looks like where the search highlight does not kick in until after you move off the word:

Screen Recording 2019-04-02 at 12 27 30 AM

I think you should just decrease updatetime by set updatetime=300.

My current setting is set updatetime=100

The problem is that CocActionAsync('highlight') will always trump the search highlight color. Here's a more clear example with just autocmd CursorHold * silent call CocActionAsync('highlight'):

Screen Recording 2019-04-02 at 12 52 44 AM

I would prefer to maintain the yellow bg highlight even when coc-highlight kicks in for the word being under the cursor