
Formatting does not work correctly

xulongwu4 opened this issue · 3 comments

I created a simple json file with the following content:

    "link": {
        "bashrc": "~/.bashrc"

Then I tried to use coc-json to format it. The result is as follows:

        "link": {
            "bashrc": "~/.bashrc"
    "link": {
        "bashrc": "~/.bashrc"

The formatted document has some part of text dupliated and has an extra right bracket.

Could be bug, but I can't reproduce

I can reproduce this issue on two different OSes: Solus and void linux, both with vim 8.1.1764 though. @chemzqm Did you try formatting the block of json file I posted above?

I was able to reproduce this just now (vim 8.1.2268). I created a minimal config and was good to go, then I remembered I should maybe update my vim plugins. Now I can't reproduce this anymore, so this was probably fixed in a version of coc.nvim