
Turning off by filetype

harrisoncramer opened this issue · 2 comments

The documentation states that you should use the following command to turn off coc-pairs based on the filetype:

autocmd FileType markdown let b:coc_pairs_disabled = ['']

This isn't working for me, coc-pairs is still running in html files. For example

autocmd FileType markdown let b:coc_pairs_disabled = ['*.html']
This isn't working. How can one turn off coc-pairs in html files, for example?

autocmd FileType html let b:coc_pairs_disabled = ['']

I'd recommend having a ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/html.vim

and add the following line:

let b:coc_pairs_disabled = ['']

pairs.disableLanguages, list of language ids to disable this extension, default: [].

You should set it in CocConfig file