
After upgrading to latest release extensions can not find correct workspace root

drgrice1 opened this issue · 1 comments

I pulled in the latest changes in my vim pack directory (using vim8's plugin method), and now extensions like coc-vetur and coc-prettier can not find the correct workspace root for my projects. If a file is opened directly it seems to work fine, but if I open a file in another buffer or tab when a file is open that is not in the project then this happens. For example, if I have a file in ~/dirA open, and then try to open another file in ~/dirA/projectDir, then coc-veture looks in ~/dirA for the package.json file, but of course that isn't where it is. It does not find the package.json file in ~/dirA/projectDir.

Sorry, this was supposed to be on coc.nvim. Not here.