
[bug] always prompt linter is not installed

Opened this issue · 6 comments

Reproduce Procedures

" FILE: $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/test.vim
" OS: linux v5.4.13
" VI: nvim v0.4.3
" TERM: guake v3.7.0
" coc-python: v1.2.12
set runtimepath=$VIMRUNTIME,$GITHUBWORKSPACE/neoclide/coc.nvim
" vi -u $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/test.vim /a/test/python/

Screenshot from 2020-09-07 18-18-31


any linter (not only pylinter, but also pyflake, etc) will also prompt this error.


Not sure how you've installed pylint and I'm not very familiar with Python's virtual environments but specifying the runtime path solved a similar issue for me:

  "python.linting.mypyPath": "~/.asdf/shims/mypy",

by default, the var of "python.linting.xxxpath" is "xxx". all of them are installed in /usr/bin which is one part of $PATH.

@Freed-Wu ~/.asdf/shims is part of my $PATH but I still had to specify for some reason. Not sure why coc-python couldn't find it.

Sounds like you can fix your issue by specifying the full path but ultimately coc-python should be able to find it, ie, bug or improvement.

@Freed-Wu ~/.asdf/shims is part of my $PATH but I still had to specify for some reason. Not sure why coc-python couldn't find it.

in my humble opinion, i still think it is a bug. coc-python should find it if ~/.asdf/shims is a part of your $PATH.

Same experience here. Linter works fine, but each time you open a file in vim it still prompt Linter is not installed.

I use anaconda and it too always says that pylint is not installed even conda list says that I have pylint