Allow disabeling the language server for some file patterns
luisdavim opened this issue · 0 comments
luisdavim commented
There are some issues when using this plugin with helm charts, now there's and I'd like to use that when editing files from a helm chart instead of the yaml-language-server, in my coc-settings.json
I have the following:
"languageserver": {
"helm-ls": {
"command": "helm-ls",
"args": ["serve"],
"filetypes": ["helm", "helmfile"],
"rootPatterns": ["Chart.yaml"]
"yaml.format.bracketSpacing": false,
"yaml.schemaStore.enable": true,
"yaml.hover": true,
"yaml.completion": true,
"yaml.validate": true,
// "yaml.schemas": {
// "": "*template*/**/*"
// },
but I still get diagnostic errors from the yaml language server.